When you have had a loved one die and you have buried them, the next thing that you want to do is to decide what kind of marker you want to put over their grave. There are a number of marker styles that you can choose from. When you are choosing which marker you should get, you will have to keep some variables in mind. 

Cemetery Rules

One of the things that you are going to have to consider is what the rules of the cemetery are. The cemetery you chose may have rules that are standard across the whole cemetery, while others will have rules that change from section to section. For example, the cemetery you choose may require that all headstones be flush to the ground and within certain dimensions. One reason for this is that it will make it easier on the groundskeepers to maintain the grounds because they won't have to go around each grave marker in order to keep the grass looking nice. If you have chosen an older cemetery, you may be able to have a raised or sculptural headstone. 


Another variable in your decision is what kind of material you want the stone to be made of. While headstone does make you think of stone, it really has become a generic term for the markers that go over a grave. The most common materials are things like granite, marble, and bronze. If you want to get a metal marker, it may not be completely bronze but just topped with bronze. Each material has its own pros and cons. The granite and marble are more traditional, and if you want to have a raised or sculptural stone, they may be the better choice. If you just want a simple, flat marker, then a metal marker might be the better choice for you. 


You should also consider what kind of epitaph you want on the marker. The length of the message you want to have can dictate the size of the marker as well as what kind of material you should use. Some materials will work better for longer epitaphs than others. The company where you are buying the stone from can give you ideas as to the limitations on the epitaphs. 

When your loved one has died, you want to make sure that their grave is marked. There are a number of things to think about before you buy a stone. For more information on cemetery headstones, contact a local funeral home.
