When many people plan for their own deaths, they worry about what will happen to their bodies in the future. Some people want to be able to help the world even when they have passed, and they might consider the donation of their organs after they pass. Of course, this can lead to many more questions. For instance, you might wonder if you can still have a funeral even if you choose to donate your organs.

If you are unsure about becoming a donor, you might have heard some myths that go along with planning your funeral. Here's what you need to know.

Can You Still Have a Funeral If You Donate Your Organs?

Yes, you can still donate your organs and have a funeral service. You can still have most of the typical funeral activities, including readings and possibly even if a visitation. Not much has to change simply because you decide to donate your organs.

Will Your Funeral Cost More If You Donate Your Organs?

No, your funeral will not change in price because you donate your organs. The costs of the donation itself are paid by the organization or entity that receives the donation or an insurance company. You and your family will not be on the hook for any expenses associated with the donation.

Can You Be Cremated If You Donate Your Body to Science?

If you choose to donate your body to science, you may be cremated after your body is used for research purposes. Many institutions, like medical schools, will hold memorial services for those who have chosen donation. If you have questions about specific programs, it is always a good idea to speak with the individual institutions and organizations you may be donating to. Don't be afraid to ask questions about what will happen to you.

Can You Work With a Traditional Funeral Home?

Yes, you can work with a traditional funeral home even if you are choosing organ donation. Even if you choose to donate your body to science, you can have a service with a funeral home where your loved ones can say goodbye.

Whether you choose to donate your organs or your body to science, you do not have to change that much about your service. You have the right to decide what you want to be done with your body when you pass away, and your funeral service can provide an excellent way for your loved ones to remember you.

For more information, reach out to a company like Shepherd Funeral Home.
